Hi, I'm Lauren Florio, and while I've been diagnosed with ADHD since I was a teen, I am a late-diagnosed Autistic. The burnout that came from masking these neurodiverse traits caused a darkness in my life that was all-consuming. Battling being misdiagnosed for so much of my life left me confused and feeling otherly. Not to mention society's treatment of my neurodiverse traits. I spent years researching (and hyperfixating on ) Autism, ADHD, OCD, and many other neurodiverse diagnoses to better understand how each unique brain is affected.
I now use what I learned to not only better myself but my clients, too. I hope to use my education, tools, and personal experiences to help you feel more understood, seen, and capable. There is a light at the end of the burnout, and I want to help you find it.