Hi, I’m David. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and psychotherapist. I’m also a Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, and Certified Family Trauma Professional. I specialize in working with people and families who have experienced trauma, abuse, divorce, neurodiversity, and other complex life challenges.
Much of my professional experience, before entering private practice, was as a school-based therapist in elementary schools. I come from a family of healers and helpers – doctors, nurses, chiropractors, therapists, pastors – so service to others is more or less in my blood.
As a late-diagnosed autistic and someone who has been working for much of my life to overcome childhood trauma, periods of burnout, and relationship and parenting challenges, I approach my work as a fellow traveler, not as an academic or “expert.” My lived experience and the work that I have done myself to go from merely surviving to thriving are essential elements to my therapeutic approach. I will walk the path alongside you, wherever it takes us.
Master of Social Work, Simmons University
Master of Fine Arts in Writing (Fiction), Pacific University
Bachelor of Arts in Literature (cum laude), Harvard University
LCSW, California #124154
LCSW, Oregon #L11298
LCSW, Idaho, #43576
Florida registered telehealth provider #TPSW3086
Registered telehealth provider, Vermont #089.135702TELE
Certified Family Trauma Professional
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist
Member, National Association of Social Workers
Member, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies